Thursday, April 29, 2010

Learning, reading, understanding

Like any good journalist, I want to do research before I dive head-first into this project. I want to make sure that I don't do irreversible damage to my body because what I'm attempting to do isn't fool-proof. Barefoot running isn't a magic bean that will provide all of my answers.

This is going to serve as a resource page with websites that I've found, books that I think would be good to read (if I haven't read them already) and other tidbits of information that I think would be useful. I will add more sites as I come upon them. If you guys know of others, please let me know!

Barefoot Running University: This is a terrific font of information. There is everything from how-to-start tips as well as reviews of minimalist shoes. I am going to be using this website as a guide for my beginning steps. There is a great step-by-step plan on how to acclimate your body to going barefoot that I am going to be following. According to Jason Robillard, a barefoot ultramarathon runner who started the website, slow and steady is the way to go. I'm all about that.

RunBare: This is Michael Sandler's website, which I'm super excited that I found. He has such a great story and is very knowledgeable about barefoot running, so I will be searching through his website for good advice. I have also ordered his book, "Barefoot Running," and will let you guys know what I think about it as I go through it.

Barefoot Running Shoes: I think this will be a hub of information for when (if) I decide to get some minimalist shoes. While Vibram FiveFingers are the more "mainstream" minimalist shoes, there are many other options.

Barefoot Ken Bob: A local barefooter who is a computer administrator at Cal State Long Beach. He is also hosting a barefoot clinic in Los Angeles on May 9, so I am going to be sure to hit that up.

1 comment:

  1. This is so cool! You should include information (and pictures) about what would be considered minimalist shoes. Also, thought you might like this video:
