Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Making Friends In the Early A.M.

At 5:45 am, Redondo Beach is anything but quiet.  Cars start slowly peeking out of garages, prepping for long commutes.  Brave cyclists bust out the bright headlights and cold-weather gear to combat the stinging wind chill.  Cops slowly cruise around the neighborhoods, waiting to catch...anything?  And then, of course, there are the runners.  Those early-to-bed, early-to-rise folks.  I was one of them this morning, and I'm so glad I did.  Not only because I got a workout in and was able to watch the orange and pink sunrise from the top of the hill, but because I made a running friend.

I don't know his name, but I do know his age...63.  We met at a corner as we waited for the walk sign to beckon us to the other side.  The first words out of his mouth: "Are you training for the L.A. Marathon?"  I chuckled to myself, because I had been sizing him up as we made our way down the hill to the intersection.  He was wearing a reflective vest, a knit cap very similar to the one my grandpa used to sleep in and had on sweats.  I pegged him for a "jogger."  I know, I know.  It's mean to judge a book by it's cover. 

It was at this intersection, and a few blocks later as we ran side-by-side, that I learned that this gentleman, at the age of 63, was finally going to run a marathon, years after telling himself, "I'm going to do it one of these days."  He told me that he usually runs 3 days a week because he works and that his long runs are on the weekend (aren't they all?).  Last weekend, he went 3 hours.  I couldn't help but be impressed by him.  He was finally going to accomplish his goal, and the fact that he was in his 60's...wow.

It's amazing how running brings people together at all stages of their lives (and all times of day).  As he turned right and I turned left, I couldn't help but have a smile on my face.  This man, who I didn't even know his name, had made my run so much more enjoyable.  I felt excited for him and his training to run the marathon.  I felt hope that one day, I could push my body like that.  And I felt happiness that we had both found something that we loved to do.   Running rocks.

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