(Quick note: I am thinking about making my Monday posts about music. Music Mondays...very cliche, I know. But I kind of like the idea of easing into Monday with some tunes.)
There are some songs that, regardless of where or when you hear them, whether it's a snippet or the whole song, you are immediately transported back to a specific point in your life. That is the magic of music. Here are two songs that teleport me back to 2005....Fort Collins, CO...to a simpler time in life.
In the fall of 2005, I ventured out into the wide world of college at Colorado State University. I was about as green as they come, but was lucky enough to have met my very best friend the first day I was there. Meaghan and I were inseparable after that.

These songs became semi-anthems that year. We watched (and fell in love with Grey's Anatomy). We went to see The Fray perform in our arena way before they became the national sensation that they are today. We spent late nights talking & watching movies. We went to basketball games, football games, volleyball games. We went to dorm craft nights & cookie-decorating nights. You name it, we probably did it.
We were so carefree then. We didn't have to worry about bills or rent. We could go to class if we wanted to, but with that, the realization that if we didn't want to, we didn't have to. We learned about ourselves and about others and that relationships are hard, but definitely worth fighting for and cultivating if they are good.
I can't believe that this week, classes are starting at CSU. Another year of freshman are moving into the dorms, hanging up movie posters & figuring out where their classes are. Six years ago, that was me. My, how times have changed. CSU is still there, but there are more buildings. Grey's Anatomy is still on, but it doesn't have the same draw as it used to (we never missed an episode back then). I'm living and working in L.A., while Meaghan is living and working in Denver. We're grown-ups now.
One thing, though, that remains a constant...Meaghan's friendship. And the memories that flood my mind when I hear those two songs.
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