Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A Coffee Barrel of Monkeys

First off, don't make fun of my monkeys.

Ok, I guess you can chuckle a little bit.  I am a grown woman with a job, an apartment and a dog who is drinking out of a monkey cup.  But you can't deny it...they are pretty cute.

Anyways, this post is not about monkeys or about my adulthood.  It is about the beverage that is in the monkey cup.  It's coffee, for those of you who suck at guessing.  Now, everyone should gasp in shock.

Shock, because I'm not a coffee drinker.  I don't need my morning fix or else...  I don't drink several steaming cups during the day just because there is coffee in the pot.  I actually don't like the taste of coffee.

I do, however, love the smell of coffee.  It reminds me of my grandparent's house and of lazy Saturdays at my house growing up (my dad would brew some after a long run).  I am also a HUGE fan of coffee ice cream.

Getting back on track...coffee.  Drinking coffee.  I've only recently started foraying into the coffee world.  And let me clarify that when I say I have been drinking coffee, I mean I'm drinking iced coffee with milk & lots of creamer.  Does that even still constitute as coffee?  Also, I don't drink it everyday; I usually only down it when I've gone for a run in the morning PLUS taking Austin for an hour walk (I've started to loathe 5:30 am).  It gives me a little boost of energy to get me through the morning meetings & email rituals.

But I've also realized that it kinda gives me the jitters.  And makes me feel a little buzzed.  Is this normal?  I realize that it definitely has some affect on my body, but I didn't think it would be as noticeable.  Maybe it's because my body is not used to a lot of caffeine (I'm not really big into soda).  Maybe I just need to start drinking smaller cups instead of a mondo-monkey cup...

I'm starting to rant and I totally blame it on the cup 'o joe I drank this morning.  It's even affecting my writing skills!  I'm backing slowly away from the monkeys...

1 comment:

  1. It's common for people who haven't been avid coffee drinkers to get jittery, and iced coffee has more caffeine than espresso does just by the brewing method. you will get used to it.
